Turn Your Daytime Optics Into A Thermal Device With A Thermal Scope Attachment

A clip-on device designed to turn your favorite daytime optics into a full-featured thermal device. Lightweight, easy to install, and with a great image quality, it is there to help you make some unforgettable memories.

Clip-on scopes by Pulsar mount on rifle with a quick-release, Precise Screen Positioning mechanism. This allows you to take the thermal clip-on scope on and off your rifle in seconds and achieve the optimal viewing position by aligning the fields of view of both devices.

A attachment is a great choice if you wish to expand your hunting capabilities without fully changing the whole setup.

A scope allows you to see beyond the visible, like any thermal device, but maintain your shooting style and skill at the same time. That’s why many experienced hunters say a clip on is the perfect starting device for those just entering the world of thermal vision.

With a scope by Pulsar, you will also get the opportunity to record photos and videos and later share them with your friends, family or colleagues.

Depending on the particular attachment you choose, you will also be able to enjoy a detection range from 800 to 2300 meters.

You can also operate a scope by Pulsar with a Bluetooth remote control, which allows you to focus on the hunting process and minimize the actions required to make that perfect shot.

Mounting Krypton on a day scope

And we say perfect because we know a scope can really help you with accuracy and making the right decision. Thanks to the highly sensitive thermal sensor, a attachment delivers a sharp, clear, and detailed image in almost any conditions.

At Pulsar, we design devices that can withstand extreme temperatures (from -25 – +50 °С) and are fully waterproof, so no rain, snow, or fog could stop you from hunting. But this is, of course, a general description. For a more detailed view, we should discuss our imaging attachments separately.

At Pulsar, we make and take pride in two models: the Pulsar Proton FXQ and the Pulsar Krypton FXG.

The Proton is a great choice for those just starting their thermal journey. It is super compact and lightweight, meaning you will barely feel the additional weight of the clip-on. That’s why it is also a great device for stalking, as in these hunts every kilogram matters.

Night Vision Front Attachments

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The Pulsar Krypton, meanwhile, is a highly-powerful thermal imaging front attachment with an incredible detection range that exceeds two kilometers for standard-size objects.

Now, it is time to find a local distributor, choose the scope of your dreams, and get ready for some amazing experiences in the forest.