The Merger LRF XP35 is the most compact and lightweight model of the line, it features a staggeringly wide field of view (17.8°).
This allows you to comfortably scan vast areas from greater distances with both eyes and maintain awareness of the terrain without eye fatigue.
The Merger LRF XP35 is equipped with our signature European-made Lynred sensor with NETD <25 mK.
This guarantees a superb quality, highly detailed image, even in adverse conditions.
Please make sure you have made the following adjustments:
During the calibration process the image freezes on the screen – this is normal and not a defect.
Default calibration mode is “Automatic” (the software decides when calibration is necessary) but you can change it to “Manual” mode in the "Main menu" => "Calibration mode" to calibrate the riflescope when you need to base on actual image quality. Please close the lens cover prior to manual calibration. We recommend using automatic mode all the time. Please read more about calibration in the user manual for your thermal device.
Naudojate rankinį kalibravimo režimą neuždengdami objektyvo dangtelį. Prašome įsitikinti, kad kalibravimo metu objektyvo dangtelis yra uždėtas, arba naudoti automatinį kalibravimo režimą, jei dangtelio uždėti nenorite.
Ne, spragtelėjimo garsas yra normalus naudojant automatinį ir pusiau automatinį kalibravimo režimus.
Jei norite išvengti garso, galite naudoti rankinį kalibravimo režimą. Nepamirškite uždengti objektyvo dangtelio, kad ekrane nepasirodytų „vaiduokliški“ vaizdai.
Kalibravimas sulygina mikrobolometro fono temperatūrą ir pašalina vaizdo trūkumus (veritakalias linijas, senesnių vaizdų likučius ir pan.)
Intervalai tarp kalibravimo priklauso nuo veikimo laiko: kuo ilgiau termovizorius veikia be perstojo, tuo rečiau reikia kalibravimo.
Galite pabandyti sutaisyti pikselius naudodami atitinkamą meniu punktą savo termovizoriuje. Daugiau detalių ieškokite naudotojo vadove.
Paspauskite čia, kad pamatytumėte vaizdo instrukcijas.
Prašome atsižvelgti į žemiau esančius punktus:
Matavimo tikslumas ir maksimalus nuotolis priklauso nuo taikinio paviršiaus atspindžio santykio, kampo, kuriuo spindulys krinta ant taikinio paviršiaus, bei aplinkos sąlygų. Atspindėjimą taip pat veikia taikinio paviršiaus tekstūra, spalva, dydis ir forma. Blizgus arba ryškios spalvos paviršius įprastai yra geriau atspindintis nei tamsus paviršius.
Išmatuoti atstumą iki mažo dydžio taikinio yra sudėtingiau nei iki didelio taikinio. Matavimo tikslumą taip pat gali paveikti šviesos sąlygos, rūkas, migla, lietus, sniegas ir pan. Matavimo tikslumas gali sumažėti, kai aplinkoje yra itin šviesu, arba matuojant atstumą saulės kryptimi.
Matuojant atstumą iki mažo dydžio taikinio, esančio toliau nei už 400 metrų, rekomenduojama alkūnę atremti į kietą paviršių. Tai reikalinga dėl galimo rankos drebėjimo ir sudėtingumo nutaikant spindulį į taikinį iš didesnio atstumo.
Visi mūsų prietaisai, įskaitant „Merger LRF“, turi pirmos saugumo klasės (standartas IEC60825-1:2014) lazerius; tai reiškia, kad jie yra nekenksmingi žmogaus akiai. Nepaisant to, prašome vengti žiūrėti tiesiai į tolimačio lęšį, iš kurio išeina spindulys.
„Merger LRF“ korpusas yra pagamintas iš aukštos kokybės sutvirtinto magnio lydinio.
The Merger LRF is powered with two rechargeable batteries: one built-in with a capacity of 4 Ah, the other replaceable with a capacity of 3.2 Ah.
A single charge guarantees up to 8 hours of battery life.
Please make sure the battery is installed correctly as recommended:
Before installing the battery, make sure that there is an undamaged rubber insulating ring on the battery. The ring is designed to protect your device from moisture getting inside. Damage to the device due to a missing ring is not covered by the warranty.
Install the battery into the battery compartment that a pictogram in the form of a “dot” on the battery on the left. You will hear a click when the battery is placed correctly.
The proximity sensor is working.
The proximity sensor can be turned off in the device settings
When the proximity sensor is off, the display can be turned on/off by pressing the ON/OFF button.
If Merger LRF will not turn on, press and hold down the ON button for 15 sec, the scope should turn on. If this does not help, probably the battery is empty.
Charge the internal battery or connect a charged external power supply such as power bank. Contact us
Please try removing and re-inserting the external battery, turn off and on the binoculars and press the menu button again.
The Merger LRF is equipped with a 1/4" tripod mount. Please follow the instructions for installing Merger on a tripod:
You don’t need to register your device to have a warranty.
When you buy our device from an exclusive Pulsar distributor or its dealer, you receive a warranty card with it.
Warranty starts from the date of the first purchase of the device. Also please keep your payment receipt.
For all the questions regarding service of our products please contact a distributor in your country:
If you are from US, please contact our US distributor Sellmark
There are no thermal imagers able to look through glass because glass does not let infrared radiation within 8–14 ɥm (used in thermal technology) pass:!faq34
To switch between color modes, please proceed to the menu and select the menu item "Color modes".
Please refer to the user manual for details.
1) Download the Stream Vision 2 App from Google Play or the App Store free of charge.
2) Connect your Pulsar device to your mobile device (refer to point 8 above).
3) Launch Stream Vision 2 and go to “Settings”.
4) Select your connected Pulsar device and press “Check for updates”.
If your Pulsar device is connected to your phone, please use Mobile data (GPRS / 3G / 4G / 5G) to download the update.
- If your Pulsar device is not connected to your phone but is already in the “Device” menu section, you can use WiFi to download updates.
5) Download the firmware update to the application, connect your device unless it´s connected.
6) Press “Update device” and wait for the update to download and install.
Then the Pulsar device will restart and be ready to operate.
No, restoring a previous firmware version is not possible.
We guarantee our products are free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of three years from the date of purchase.
The warranty period for rechargeable batteries (supplied with the device or bought separately) is one year.
The warranty period for the internal battery in the Merger LRF is 3 years.
If no purchase receipt is available and the warranty card is not filled in, warranty starts from the manufacturing date plus six months. More information about the warranty is available here.
We are considering it, but no clear timeline yet.
Yes, you can connect your binoculars to a computer. Please make sure you select "Use as memory card" option once it appears on the screen, more details here:
from Yukon Group 2025
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