Please contact the seller or your national distributor to arrange return for repair.
No, all products should be returned to the distributor.
Direct return is not possible due to the export control limitations applicable to digital and thermal products.
Please contact the seller or your national distributor.
US customers are requested to fill in a request here.
Repair costs can only be determined after a product is inspected.
Please contact your national distributor for cost information.
Maximum repair time is 30 days (shipping not included) but we do our best to reduce this period.
Repair time depends on the complexity of the repair and how busy the service center is.
Please contact your national distributor. Please note that spare parts
for discontinued products may no longer be available.
No, technical drawings and electronic components (sensor, display, circuit board etc).
cannot be shipped. Please contact your national distributor to arrange product return.
All products returned under warranty should be packed in a sturdy shipping carton to prevent possible damage in transit.
Also please enclose the following items:
Yes, it's possible. This will be handled as a paid non-warranty repair.
Please contact your national distributor or the seller to whom you sent the device
for repair status and estimated return date.
No, it's not possible for a number of technical reasons and limitations.
We provide repair service for the products on the market for five years from the date of sale or, if this date cannot be defined, from the date of production.
from Yukon Group 2025
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