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Merger Duo
Merger Duo

Table of contents
Defective Pixel Repair

Defective Pixel Repair

When using the device, defective (dead) pixels may appear on the microbolometer. These are bright or dark points of a constant brightness that are visible on the thermal image.

Defective pixels on the microbolometer can increase in size relative to the digital-zoom power.

Merger Duo binoculars allow the user to remove any defective pixels on the display, as well as cancel removal, via the device’s firmware.

Step 1. Enter the menu to fix the defective pixels

  1. Select the thermal imaging mode for the main window by briefly pressing the MODE (6) button.
  2. Press and hold the MENU (9) button to enter the main menu.
  3. Use the UP (7)/DOWN (8) buttons to select the Defective Pixel Repair  menu item.
  4. Press briefly the MENU (9) to open the submenu.
  5. Select the Defective Pixel Repair option by briefly pressing the MENU (9) button.

Step 2. Select the defective pixel

  1. A marker (H) will appear on the left side of the image.
  2. A “magnifier” (G) will appear on the right side of the image – an enlarged image in a frame with a fixed marker , designed for easier detection of a defective pixel and to match the pixel with the marker, and horizontal and vertical arrows for X and Y axes (I) showing the marker's movement.
  3. With a short press of the UP (7)/DOWN (8) buttons move the marker to align it with a defective pixel.
  4. Switch the direction of the marker from horizontal to vertical and vice versa with a short press of the MENU (9) button.
  5. Align the defective pixel with the fixed cross in the frame - the pixel should disappear.

Step 3. Remove the defective pixel

  1. Delete the defective pixel with a short press of the ON/OFF (4).
  2. Once the pixel has been successfully deleted an "OK" message will briefly appear on the screen.
  3. Then, by moving the marker across the image, you can delete the next defective pixel.
  4. Exit the Defective Pixel Repair submenu with a long press of the MENU (9).

Warning! On each of the two displays of the device, 1-2 pixels in the form of bright white or coloured (blue, red) dots are allowed. They are not removed and are not a defect.